H3ABioNet is advised by a panel of internationally renowned experts

    Dr. B.F. Francis Ouellette (Expertise - Big Data)
    Dr. B.F. Francis Ouellette (Expertise - Big Data)Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Scientific affairs at Génome Québec
    Dr. B.F. Francis Ouellette (Expertise - Big Data)Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Scientific affairs at Génome Québec
    B.F. Francis Ouellette is the Chief Scientific Officer and Vice President of Scientific affairs at Génome Québec, a not-for-profit organization that supports Genomics in Québec. Before that, Francis was the associate director of the Informatics and Biocomputing platform and a senior scientist at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in Toronto, Ontario. Before his move to Toronto in 2007, Francis was an Associate Professor in the department of Medical Genetics at UBC, and Director of the UBC Bioinformatics Centre (UBiC) at the Michael Smith Laboratories. Francis was trained at McGill University (undergraduate and graduate studies), as well as the University of Calgary, McGill University and Simon Fraser University (graduate studies). After working on the yeast genome sequencing project at McGill University, he took a position at the NCBI as GenBank coordinator from 1993 to 1998. Francis also still holds a position of Associate Professor in the department of Cell and Systems Biology at the University of Toronto. His work at the OICR involved bioinformatics training, as well as biocuration and management of cancer genomic data. He continues his bioinformatics training work with bioinformatics.ca at Génome Québec. Since his work at the NIH, coordinating the largest Open DNA sequence database in the World (GenBank), Francis has been dedicated to ensuring openness of Science: the data it generates, and the publications that report them. Not only through his work, but on the various advisory boards and editorial boards he serves on: PLOS Computational Biology Education Editor; Associate Editor for DATABASE, an OUP Open Access journal; a number of NIH-funded Open Source and Open Data resource projects: The Saccharomyces Genome Database SAB member, the Galaxy Project SAB member, The GenomeSpace advisory member; the Human Microbiome Project advisory member. Francis is also on the Elixir-Europe SAB as well as a co-chair of the H3ABioNet SAB.
    Professor Michéle Ramsay (Expertise - Population Genetics)
    Professor Michéle Ramsay (Expertise - Population Genetics)Director of the Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience (SBIMB) and Professor in the Division of Human Genetics, University of the Witwatersrand
    Professor Michéle Ramsay (Expertise - Population Genetics)Director of the Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience (SBIMB) and Professor in the Division of Human Genetics, University of the Witwatersrand
    Professor Ramsay is Director of the Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience (SBIMB) and Professor in the Division of Human Genetics, University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg. Her research interests include African population genetic diversity and their role in diseases exacerbated by adverse lifestyle choices, including obesity and cardiometabolic diseases; and rare monogenic eye and skin disorders (including albinism and keratolytic winter erythema). She is joint-PI for the Southern African Human Genome Programme with a view to exploring precision medicine in an African context. As an active steering committee member of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Consortium, she promotes capacity development for genomic research in Africa. She is Principal Investigator of an NIH funded Collaborative Centre under the H3Africa Consortium for “Genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in Africans” – a Wits INDEPTH partnership. In addition, she holds a South African Research Chair on Genomics and Bioinformatics of African populations and is President of the African Society for Human Genetics.
    Professor Teresa Attwood (Expertise - Bioinformatics Education)
    Professor Teresa Attwood (Expertise - Bioinformatics Education)Professor of Bioinformatics at Manchester University (UK)
    Professor Teresa Attwood (Expertise - Bioinformatics Education)Professor of Bioinformatics at Manchester University (UK)
    Teresa Attwood is Professor of Bioinformatics at Manchester University (UK). Her research interests have focused on protein sequence analysis, co-developing databases and software tools like PRINTS, InterPro and Utopia Documents. She has taught on Manchester’s Bioinformatics MSc and MSci programmes, and on numerous (Wellcome Trust, EMBO, FEBS) training courses and schools, authoring 3 text-books and several reference works. She was External Examiner for MSc courses at Leicester, Edinburgh and Mauritius Universities, and served on Evaluation Committees for Ireland’s Higher Education & Training Awards Council, and a Quality Review Panel for the National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Formerly on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), she co-Chairs the ISCB Education Community of Special Interest. She was a member of ELIXIR’s Bioinformatics Training Strategy Committee, and now directs development of ELIXIR’s training portal, TeSS. She is the current Chair of GOBLET -Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training.
    Dr. Janet Kelso (Expertise - Bioinformatics)
    Dr. Janet Kelso (Expertise - Bioinformatics)Head of the Bioinformatics research group, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
    Dr. Janet Kelso (Expertise - Bioinformatics)Head of the Bioinformatics research group, Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
    Janet Kelso is head of the Bioinformatics research group at the Max-Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. Her research focuses on comparative primate genomics and ancient DNA with a particular emphasis on analysis of the genomes of archaic humans. Her group has a special interest in the development of novel software for processing and analysis of high-throughput sequence data and uses computational approaches to gain insights into genome evolution. Janet received her PhD in bioinformatics from the South African National Bioinformatics Institute at the University of the Western Cape under the supervision of Professor Winston Hide developing an ontology for classifying gene expression data for which she won the L'Oreal women in science fellowship. She is author of more than 80 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Together with Alfonso Valencia, Janet is the co-Editor-in-chief of the journal Bioinformatics, and also an editor of the journal Database. Janet is an active member of the Board of the International Society of Computational Biology. She has held positions as both Vice-president and Secretary, and was named a Fellow of the society in 2015.
    Professor William Hersh (Expertise - Health Informatics)
    Professor William Hersh (Expertise - Health Informatics)Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology, School of Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon, USA
    Professor William Hersh (Expertise - Health Informatics)Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology, School of Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University, Oregon, USA
    William Hersh, MD is Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Informatics & Clinical Epidemiology in the School of Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) in Portland, Oregon, USA. Dr. Hersh is a leader and innovator in biomedical informatics both in education and research. In education, he is Director of OHSU’s Biomedical Informatics Graduate Program, which is one of the oldest and largest in the world, and offers Master’s and PhD degrees as well as a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Informatics. In research, his work has mostly focused on information retrieval (also known as search), where he has authored over 200 scientific papers and abstracts as well as the book, Information Retrieval: A Health and Biomedical Perspective (Springer, 2009), now in its third edition. For more information see: http://www.billhersh.info https://informaticsprofessor.blogspot.com/ Twitter: @williamhersh
    Dr. Odile Oukem-Boyer (Expertise - Ethics)
    Dr. Odile Oukem-Boyer (Expertise - Ethics)Head of Mali Country Office, Foundation Merieux and acting Director General at the Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux du Mali
    Dr. Odile Oukem-Boyer (Expertise - Ethics)Head of Mali Country Office, Foundation Merieux and acting Director General at the Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux du Mali
    Odile Ouwe Missi Oukem-Boyer is a French senior scientist. She hold a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in cellular biology and immunology from University of Aix-Marseille, France; a DEA in advanced immunology from University of Paris/Institut Pasteur and a PhD in life and health science from University of Lille, France. During and after her PhD, she spent few years as a lecturer in biology and chemistry in private schools in France. Since then, she has permanently worked in health research institutions in West and Central Africa. During the last 20 years spent in Africa, her career path has progressively evolved from primary researcher to deputy administrator, scientific director and director general in various African research centers in Gabon, Cameroon, Niger and Mali. Her main research interests are tropical infectious diseases (tropical neglected diseases such as schistosomiasis, human African trypanosomiasis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, meningitis, etc.), clinical trials, bioinformatics and health research ethics. Through research, she has developed South-South collaborations and promoted networking activities. Moreover, she has devoted time and efforts to public health (meningitis, cholera, diphtheria, Ebola, etc.) education and training, and to capacity building, particularly in the fields of clinical trials, good clinical and laboratory practices, bioinformatics and ethics. As far as ethics is concerned, she has been involved in various activities, among which the implementation of the institutional Review Board of the Chantal Biya International Research Centre in Cameroon, which she administered for 4 years (2007-2010). She has been the vice-president of the Cameroon Bioethics Initiative (CAMBIN) from 2009 to 2017, and has become the chair of CAMBIN in 2018. She is member of 3 ethics committees in Central Africa. She has been an active member of the Human Heredity and Health Africa ethics and regulatory working group from 2013 to 2016. Besides her scientific background, she has significant experience in administration, board of director and scientific council meetings, coordination of research program and projects, project management, relations with foundations and research funding agencies, diplomacy, institutional communication, and human resources management and evaluation. Moreover, she has always been working in a multicultural environment. As a manager during the past 12 years, she has headed research institutions with 30 to 50 staff in Cameroon, Niger, and Mali, and managed annual budgets of over 2000 K€. She has built relationships with governments, policy-makers, and with many technical and financial partners involved in the health sector on the continent, including bilateral cooperation organizations. In Niger, she was affiliated to the International Network of Pasteur Institutes and therefore developed contacts all over the world and increased her international visibility. Since 2016, she has been working for Fondation Mérieux where she holds a position of country representative (Mali and Niger). Since 2018, she is simultaneously the acting Director General at the Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux du Mali.
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