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(a) Projects Initiated By Or Contributed To By H3ABioNet
(a) Projects Initiated By Or Contributed To By H3ABioNet
- Ghouila A et al. Hackathons as a means of accelerating scientific discoveries and knowledge transfer
- Brown DK et al. HUMA: A platform for the analysis of genetic variation in humans
- Ahmed A et al. Organizing and running bioinformatics hackathons within Africa: The H3ABioNet cloud computing experience
- Choudhury A et al. Whole-genome sequencing for an enhanced understanding of genetic variation among South Africans
- Rafael CN et al. Highlights of the second ISCB Student Council Symposium in Africa, 2017
- Mulder N et al. The development and application of bioinformatics core competencies to improve bioinformatics training and education
- Mulder N et al. Genomic Research Data Generation, Analysis and Sharing – Challenges in the African Setting
- Mulder N et al. H3Africa: current perspectives
- (d) publication on the Node accreditation exercise
Jongeneel et al Assessing computational genomics skills: Our experience in the H3ABioNet African bioinformatics network
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