H3ABioNet delivers high quality training covering various aspects of bioinformatics


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    Upcoming and Current Training

    H3ABioNet organises a variety of high quality courses and training events covering various aspects of bioinformatics from general introductory topics to more specialised ones such Next Generation Sequencing and Genome Wide Association Studies analyses.

    Training proposals on different topics that are pertinent to human health, have synergies with the H3Africa projects and are also in line with H3ABioNet's vision of developing bioinformatics capacity within Africa, may be submitted here.

    Please also take note of the H3ABioNet training event policy available here.

    Past Courses and Training Events

    H3ABioNet has hosted and been involved in a number of training events and courses since it's conception in 2012.  For a list of past H3ABioNet courses and training events and to access the applicable training material, please browse through the training categories below:
    Bioinformatics: Introduction
    Introduction to Bioinformatics Course (September - December, 2018, Distance based learning)
    H3ABioNet‘s Introduction to Bioinformatics course (IBT) provides an introduction to the field of bioinformatics, with a focus on important bioinformatic tools and resources.  Over a period of 3 months of intensive biweekly contact sessions, the course combines theoretical and practical sessions to allow participants to gain practical experience in using various tools and resources. During contact sessions, classrooms meet virtually to discuss the session’s content with each other and the trainer.

    Introduction to Bioinformatics Course (April - August, 2017, Distance based learning)
    H3ABioNet‘s Introduction to Bioinformatics course (IBT) provides an introduction to the field of bioinformatics, with a focus on important bioinformatic tools and resources.  Over a period of 3 months of intensive biweekly contact sessions, the course combines theoretical and practical sessions to allow participants to gain practical experience in using various tools and resources. During contact sessions, classrooms meet virtually to discuss the session’s content with each other and the trainer.

    Introduction to Bioinformatics Course (6th July–9th October 2016, Distance based learning)
    H3ABioNet‘s Introduction to Bioinformatics course (IBT) provides an introduction to the field of bioinformatics, with a focus on important bioinformatic tools and resources. Over a period of 3 months of intensive biweekly contact sessions, the course combines theoretical and practical sessions to allow participants to gain practical experience in using various tools and resources. During contact sessions, classrooms meet virtually to discuss the session’s content with each other and the trainer.

    H3ABioNet Postgraduate Bioinformatics Workshop (21st April-26th May 2014, Covenant University Bioinformatics Research (CUBRe), Ota Nigeria)
    The H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop is aimed at providing post graduate students registered for an academic degree and are working on research projects with a significant component of bioinformatics with the necessary grounding in core bioinformatics topics. The H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop aims to equip these individuals with the necessary skills to continue their ongoing bioinformatics education, further learn on topics that are of interest to them and apply the skills learnt to their academic research projects.

    H3ABioNet Introduction to Bioinformatics using the eBioKit platform (29th July-2nd August 2013, International Center for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Nairobi, Kenya)
    The course is composed of a range of topics aimed at providing participants with the necessary hands-on practical skills to be able to analyze genetic, genomic and metagenomic data. The course will include some basic linux programming and then offer a comprehensive overview of commonly used bioinformatics tools and databases available on the eBiokit system, such as for example Ensembl and Galaxy, a Web-based platform for data-intensive biomedical research.
    Bioinformatics Intermediary
    Bioinformatics Advanced
    Data Management
    Genomic Medicine
    Research Skills
    SysAdmin and Technical
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    The H3ABionet website content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Health
    © University of Cape Town 2017. All rights reserved.