Workshop Training materials are available at:
H3ABioNet Postgraduate workshop overview
The H3Africa initiative is aimed at studying the genomic and environmental determinants of disease in Africa. The goals of H3Africa are to enhance the necessary genomic expertise among African scientists and to encourage collaborations between African investigators by supporting infrastructure development and research projects.
H3ABioNet aims to create a sustainable African Bioinformatics Network to support and promote the development of bioinformatics capacity within Africa, by training the next generation of students in bioinformatics. To achieve this vision, H3ABioNet will be hosting a five week training workshop in bioinformatics aimed at students registered for a postgraduate academic degree in bioinformatics or a related discipline from the H3ABioNet Nodes and H3Africa projects from the21st of April to the 26th of May 2014 at the Covenant University Bioinformatics Research (CUBRe) unit in Ota, Nigeria.
The H3ABioNet Postgraduate workshop is aimed at developing a core set of specialised skills amongst registered postgraduate students within H3ABioNet and H3Africa projects to provide them with practical training in a variety of introductory bioinformatics topics to complement their ongoing research and education and strengthen the bioinformatics capacity within their Node/group.
The H3ABioNet Postgraduate workshop will run over 5 weeks (6 days a week) and will cover both theoretical and practical aspects of a range of core bioinformatics modules which include:
- Introduction to Linux
- Python programming
- Introduction to bioinformatics resources
- Biostatistics and R
- Database creation and data mining
- Bioinformatics workflows and pipelines
- Introduction to NGS tools and variant calling
H3ABioNet Postgraduate workshop objectives
The H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop is aimed at providing post graduate students registered for an academic degree and are working on research projects with a significant component of bioinformatics with the necessary grounding in core bioinformatics topics. The H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop aims to equip these individuals with the necessary skills to continue their ongoing bioinformatics education, further learn on topics that are of interest to them and apply the skills learnt to their academic research projects.
H3ABioNet Postgraduate workshop outline
The H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop comprises a number of modules that will span a 5 week period and include both theoretical lectures and practical sessions for registered students to learn and develop their theoretical and practical skills and provide a foundation for participants to develop their bioinformatics knowledge. A tentative timetable for the H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop is provided below:
Name |
Topic taught |
Period Topic is Taught |
Dates for Topic being taught |
Dr Oyelade and Mrs Itunu Isewon |
Introduction to linux and Python programing |
Week 1 |
21st April to 25th April |
Shaun Aron |
Introduction to bioinformatics resources, Sequence alignment, and proteomics resources |
Week 2 |
28th April to 2nd May |
Dr. Jean-Baka Domelevo Entfellner |
Introduction to Biostatistics |
Week 3 |
5th May to 9th May |
Dr. Takafumi Yamaguchi and Dr. Lawrence Heisler |
Week 4 |
12th May to 16th May |
Dr. Segun Fatumo |
Week 4 |
16th May, 19th May |
Dr. Kais Ghedira and Dr. Amel Ghoulia |
Databases, mining and analysis workflows / pipelines |
Week 5 |
19th May to 23rd May |
Dr Oyelade and Miss Itunu Ewejobi |
Python programming for 3 hours every day |
Throughout the workshop |
28th April to 24th May |
H3ABioNet Postgraduate workshop prerequisites
Successful applicants would be required to complete some prerequisites which may include on-line courses prior to the commencement of the H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop. Participants would be notified of these requirements upon admission.
How to apply
To apply to attend the course please complete the application form found here:
The deadline for applications for the H3ABioNet 2014 Postgraduate workshop is the 19th of March, 2014.
Please ensure that all required information is completed on the application and that a motivation letter from your PI is attached with your application.
Successful candidates will be notified of their acceptance to the H3ABioNet 2014 Masters workshop by the 25th of March, 2014.