Please note that this workshop has taken place. The course materials are available on this page.

    General Workshop Information

    Venue of workshop: Medical Campus, University of Cape Town

    Dates for the workshop: 22nd February to 24th February, 2016

    Workshop organisers: CBIO, Nicola Mulder, Matthew McQueen

    Participation: Open application with selection

    Workshop Sponsors: CBIO

    Course Overview:The post-genomic era has been characterized by the rapid advance of genotyping technology resulting in a wealth of new, high-quality data that may hold promise for the further elucidation of genetic factors underlying complex disease. Without the proper tools and methods, the ultimate utility of such rich data may be limited in scope as the field attempts to process and interpret the growing amount of information being generated. For this workshop, we will adopt a hands-on approach to navigate some of the more popular genome-wide software packages available. A general overview of the topics to be covered is as follows. After a brief introduction on the current state of genetic research, we will begin with a discussion of the key quality assurance and quality control steps that are necessary to any genome-wide analysis. We will then transition to the analysis phase with a focus on genome-wide association using unrelated samples, including an overview of the analysis of gene pathways. Next, we will discuss the use of genome-wide data to estimate heritability, construction of genetic risk scores and pathway analysis. We will conclude with an introduction to family-based analysis and an overview of meta-analytic techniques.

    Intended Audience: This workshop is aimed at beginning and intermediate level graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty.

    Syllabus and Tools: Participants will learn about quality control and quality assurance steps of genome-wide data, basic GWAS analysis, construction of genetic risk scores, estimation of genome-wide SNP heritability, an introduction to family-based association approaches and an overview of meta-analytic techniques.

    Workshop Trainers: Dr. Matthew McQueen is an Associate Professor and Director of the Public Health Program at the Department of Integrative Physiology at Colorado University, Boulder, USA. His research is focused on a multi-faceted approach to the investigation of genetic determinants underlying complex disease, with a particular interest in psychiatric, behavioral and neurologic disorders. Recent areas of research include the development and application of statistical and epidemiological methods geared towards large-scale genomic analysis in both family-based and population-based samples.

    Prerequisites: Participants are encouraged to work through the following resources to enable them to gain the most from the workshop. We will provide a basic overview of the Linux environment as well as work towards gaining an understanding of R.

    Objectives: After this workshop participants should be able to:

    - Understand the steps necessary to assess the quality of genome-wide data

    - Use common software to conduct a basic GWAS analysis

    - Conduct relationship-checks and generate components of ancestry

    - Aggregate genome-wide association data using GCTA and genetic risk scores

    - Understand the features of a family-based association test

    - Understand the different techniques to conduct a meta-analysis of genetic results

    Workshop limitations: This workshop will only provide a foundation for continued learning in genome wide association testing and studies. Further directions for specific genome-wide approaches will need to be tailored towards particular studies.

    Registration: All potential applicants must complete the application form. Incomplete applications will NOTbe reviewed. Successful participants will be notified of their selection for the workshop and will be contacted provide a short biosketch with a recent picture.

    Please note, if a participant is unable to attend this workshop after acceptance, their place will be passed onto to applicants on the waiting list and not to other recommended members.

    Workshop Programme:


    Time Topic Trainer
    22nd February 2016
    9:00 Registration and Introductions  
    9:30 Lecture 1: Introduction to Genome-Wide Approaches Matthew McQueen
    10:30 Tea break  
    11:00 Tutorial 1: Getting Started (Linux) Matthew McQueen
    12:00 Lunch  
    1:00 Lecture 2: Quality Control Procedures for GWAS Data Matthew McQueen
    2:00 Tea Break  
    2:30 Tutorial 2: Data Cleaning, Relationship Checks and Genetic Ancestry (PLINK, R) Matthew McQueen
    3:30 Workshop End  
    23rd February 2016
    9:30 Lecture 3: Genome-Wide Association Approaches Matthew McQueen
    10:30 Tea Break  
    11:00 Tutorial 3: Genome-Wide Association Analysis (PLINK, R) Matthew McQueen
    12:00 Lunch  
    1:00 Lecture 4: Aggregation of GWAS Information Matthew McQueen
    2:00 Tea Break  
    2:30 Tutorial 4: Heritability (GCTA), Genetic Risk Score ® and Pathway Analysis Matthew McQueen
    3:30 Workshop End  
    24th February 2016
    9:30 Lecture 5: Introduction to Family-Based Approaches Matthew McQueen
    10:30 Tea Break  
    11:00 Tutorial 5: Family-Based Association Test (FBAT) Matthew McQueen
    12:00 Lunch  
    1:00 Lecture 6: Meta-Analysis of Genetic Results Matthew McQueen
    2:00 Tea Break  
    2:30 Tutorial 6: Meta-Analysis (R) Matthew McQueen
    3:30 Workshop End  

    Workshop materials:


    Lecture 1 slides

    Tutorial 1 pdf

    Tutorial 1 input files and R script - please note that this is a zip file. The paths in the R script will differ and need to be changed according to your file locations.


    Lecture 2 slides

    Tutorial 2 pdf

    Tutorial 2 files - this contains the PLINK input files in a directory called It is stored in Google drive and is ~80 MB zipped. The file paths will differ based on your set up.


    Lecture 3 slides

    Tutorial 3 pdf

    Tutorial 3 input files - please note that this is a zip file. The paths in the R script will differ and need to be changed according to your file locations.


    Lecture 4 slides

    Tutorial 4 pdf

    Tutorial 4 input files - please note that this is a zip file. The paths in the R script will differ and need to be changed according to your file locations.


    Lecture 5 slides

    Tutorial 5 pdf

    Tutorial 5 input files - please note that this is a zip file. The paths will differ and need to be changed according to your file locations.


    Lecture 6 slides


    Rscripts directory - directory of all the R scripts used in the workshop, it is a zip file and the paths will differ according to your set up.

    All input files for the workshop - this in zip format on Google drive and the higher level folder contains the fbat, plink, gcta, giant and meta directories and their files. It is 215 MB in size zipped and ~2GB unzipped

    Useful urls pdf - pdf file of useful links to obtain various software used for this workshop.

    This will be a short practical course on Bioinformatics for biologists, molecular biologists or young researchers working in the field of biomedical or biological sciences who are interested in learning, in a practical way, how to build and explore gene and protein networks and how to place in a relational context (i.e. in a network-based context) the lists of genes or proteins, often derived from genomic or proteomic analyses. The course will be held for two days in Cape Town (South Africa) at the University of Cape Town Medical School, hosted by the Computational Biology Group (CBIO). It will be given by Professor Dr. Javier De Las Rivas, from the University of Salamanca and the Spanish National Research Council (USAL/CSIC, Spain).

    The course will be divided in four sessions with the following topics: 
    (1) Bioinformatics tools for functional enrichment analysis; 
    (2) Construction of gene functional networks; 
    (3) Protein interaction networks; 
    (4) Construction and analysis of gene/protein networks.

    The students attending do not need to know programming, but should be familiar with working on computers and keen to learn how to use Bioinformatics tools and concepts.

    Dates:    Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th of November 2015 
    Place:     Cape Town, South Africa 
    Venue:   Health Teaching Labs 1-2, Basement of Anatomy Building, UCT Medical School, Anzio Rd, Observatory
    Time:     9:30 to 16:30

    Lecturer: Dr. Javier De Las Rivas
    Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics Group
    Cancer Research Center (CiC-IBMCC, CSIC/USAL)
    University of Salamanca, Spain
    See scientific profile at:

    Workshop curriculm and materials


    Download this file (2015-CapeTownUCT-JDeLasRivas-23Nov2015_s1s2.pdf)2015-CapeTownUCT-JDeLasRivas-23Nov2015_s1s2.pdf [ ] 11576 Kb
    Download this file (2015-CapeTownUCT-JDeLasRivas-24Nov2015_s3s4.pdf)2015-CapeTownUCT-JDeLasRivas-24Nov2015_s3s4.pdf [ ] 20194 Kb
    Download this file ( [ ] 48408 Kb

    Venue of workshop: Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe Uganda

    Dates for the workshop: 6th to 10th July 2015.

    Workshop organisers:  MUIITHRiVEAfrica Centre for Health and Population Studies Wellcome Trust ProgramsH3ABioNet , MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit on AIDS, and the Uganda Virus Research Institute

    Registration opens:  8th May, 2015

    Registration closes: 8th June, 2015

    Notification date: 12th June, 2015

    Link to application form:

    Participation: Application open to in-country H3Africa/H3ABioNet consortium and UVRI-Node research partners with selection, giving priority to those with demonstrated need for this training. A total of 25 participants from all the applications received will be selected.

    Workshop SponsorsMUII and THRiVE

    Course Overview: The workshop involves theoretical lectures and practical sessions on analysis techniques for dealing with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, including an introduction to programming for the study of large data sets of HIV and other genomic data. It will introduce working in Linux and R statistical programming. Various topics on NGS analysis e.g. de novo genome assembly, annotation, SNP calling, HIV-1 drug resistance mutation genotyping, population genetics/phylogenetics etc will be covered. Tools for data visualization and analysis e.g. Galaxy, e-Biokit among others will also be introduced. Usage of open source technologies will be encouraged.

    Intended Audience: Designed for Scientists, graduate students, postdoctoral research fellows, and exceptional undergraduates in the region to become familiar with NGS data handling and analysis techniques.

    Syllabus and Tools: Participants will learn about Linux, R programming, NGS assembly, annotation, and population genetics of genomes using various data visualization and analysis tools.

    Trainers and support staff: 
    Deo Ssemwanga, (MRC/UVRI, Entebbe, Uganda)
    Jonathan Kayondo, (UVRI, Entebbe, Uganda)
    Fred Lyagoba, (UVRI, Entebbe, Uganda)
    Benard Kulohoma, (ICIPE, Nairobi, Kenya)
    Justen Manasa, (WT Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, South Africa)
    Anne Derache, (WT Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, South Africa) 
    Etienne Villiers, (KEMRI/ Wellcome Trust, Kilifi, Kenya)
    Miguel Quinones-Mateu,( Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland , USA)
    Pontiano Kaleebu, (MRC/UVRI, Entebbe, Uganda)
    Tulio de Oliveira (WT Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies, South Africa)

    Prerequisites:  Participants will need to work through the following resources to enable them to gain the most from the workshop:

    Objectives:  The objective is to introduce bioinformatics analysis techniques for dealing with Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data. After this workshop participants should be able to:
    - Attempt using Linux based platforms for analysis
    - Have a good familiarity with R and conducting statistical tests within R
    - Assemble and analyze NGS genome data 
    - Perform HIV-1 drug resistance mutation genotyping
    - Perform various phylogentics analysis for viral transmission, evolution and other studies
    - Use the e-Biokit and other resources for bioinformatics analysis

    Workshop limitations: This workshop will only provide a foundation for continued learning in NGS bioinformatics and will not make you an expert in bioinformatics or NGS analysis.

    Registration: All potential applicants must complete the application form and obtain and attach a motivation letter from their supervisor / Head of Department and submit the application form according to the instructions contained within it. Incomplete applications will NOT be reviewed. The successful applicants for the workshop will be contacted to complete a short biosketch with a recent picture and Participants will also be requested to come to the workshop with a poster describing their research.

    Questions: If you may have any further queries, please contact Dr. Jonathan Kayondo

    Venue of workshop: ICT Building, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun state, Nigeria

    Dates for the workshop: 29th June to 1st July, 2015

    Workshop organisers:Covenant University Bioinformatics Research Unit

    Registration opens: 15th June, 2015

    Registration closes: 23rd June, 2015

    Notification date: 27th June, 2015

    Link to workshop:

    Participation: Successful applicants will be contacted on how to participate.

    Workshop Sponsors:Covenant University Bioinformatics Research Unit

    Course Overview: This workshop provides an overview on medical population genetics, PLINK and basic statistics and practicals in order to build a foundational knowledgebase for genome wide association testing. The workshop will consist of a series of theory lectures and a “hands on” practical lab session at the end.

    Intended Audience: This workshop is aimed at H3Africa project members who will be involved in the design and analyses of population data and genome wide association testing and will be able to attend from the West African region within a virtual environment.

    Syllabus and Tools: Participants will learn about PLINK, Quality Control and association testing.

    Prerequisites: Participants are encouraged to work through the following resources to enable them to gain the most from the workshop:

    Objectives: After this workshop participants should be able to:
    - Conduct genotype calling and association testing
    - Conduct population structure and correct for population structure 
    - Have a good familiarity with PLINK and conducting whole genome data analysis within PLINK
    - Have a good background on the theory behind medical population genetics
    - Be able to conduct a variety of population genetics statistical tests

    Workshop limitations: This workshop will only provide a foundation for continued learning in GWAS study design and medical population genetics and will not make you an expert in medical population genetics and genome wide association testing and studies.

    Registration: All potential applicants should send an email attaching a motivation letter and CV to and Cc  , with heading "YOUR NAME + admission-CU-GWAS workshop for complex diseases”. Once being successfully chosen for the workshop, participants will be contacted with details on how to access and attend the workshop.

    Workshop Curriculum





    29thJune 2015


    Introduction to GWAS/Designing a GWAS (Lecture)

    Segun Fatumo


    Tea break



    Genotype calling and array QC (Lecture)

    Shaun Aron





    Genotype calling and array QC (Practical)

    Shaun Aron


    Introduction to PLINK (Practical)

    Scott Hazelhurst


    Workshop End


    30thJune 2015


    SNP and Sample QC (Lecture)

    Shaun Aron


    Tea Break



    SNP and sample QC (Practical)

    Shaun Aron





    Population Structure (Lecture + Practical)

    Scott Hazelhurst


    Workshop End


    1stJuly 2015


    Association Testing (Lecture)

    Segun Fatumo and Victor Osamor


    Tea Break



    Imputation (Lecture)

    Segun Fatumo





    Visualisation and post GWAS analysis (Lecture)

    Segun Fatumo


    Fine Mapping (Lecture)

    Segun Fatumo


    Complete GWAS practical exercise (Practical)

    Shaun Aron


    Workshop End


    Venue of workshop:The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS),Cape Town, South Africa.

    Dates for the workshop: 20th-22nd April, 2015, followed by a symposium from the 23rd-24th April, 2015

    Workshop organisers: H3ABioNet, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and the CPGR node of H3ABioNet

    Registration opens: 14th January, 2015

    Registration closes: 20th February, 2015

    Notification date: March, 2015

    Link to application form:

    Workshop Sponsors: H3ABioNet and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

    Workshop Overview: The workshop will be split into two tracks:

    1. An introductory track that will cover fundamental assumptions, showcase recent successes and discuss limitations of current GWAS approaches in the field of complex diseases, particularly in the case of African populations with known low linkage disequilibrium (LD). It will also provide a ‘hands-on’ experience of data analysis and a stage for shaping the next generation of GWAS scientists/researchers.
    2. An advanced track which will draw upon the audience’s interdisciplinary expertise in mathematics, simulation studies, statistics and machine learning to overcome present challenges and identify the most promising avenues of future research for effective phenotype–genotype association.

    Intended Audience: The target audience includes H3Africa project members who will be involved in the design and analyses of population genetics data and genome wide association testing, technicians, graduate students, postdocs and established and young investigators entering the field of complex trait genetics from a variety of backgrounds such as biological, bioinformatics, statistics, mathematics and computer science.

    Participation: Open application with selection for H3Africa consortium members, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) students and interested participants. The selection procedure will give priority to those with demonstrated need for this training, particularly those with data available or soon to be available. A total of 50 participants will be selected.

    Syllabus and Tools: Participants will learn about the design and analyses of population data and genome wide association testing. On the second day, participants will be split into two groups

    1. Hands on data processing, analysis and the interpretation of results
    2. Advanced mathematical population genetics and disease scoring statistics

    Objectives: This workshop aims to introduce an interdisciplinary audience to the potential of GWAS and to key strategic considerations in designing and performing Genome-wide Association studies, as well as to bring all participants up to speed on the basic principles of human genetic variation, genotyping and disease scoring statistics. In addition, this workshop aims to bridge the gap between statistics, bioinformatics and genetics. We envisage that researchers in machine learning and statistics who have an interest in genetic architecture of complex diseases, as well as statistical geneticists looking for using or improved tools for GWAS will benefit from participating in this workshop.

    Workshop limitations: This workshop will provide a foundation for continued learning in medical genetics and GWAS studies for the introductory track and will not make one an expert in medical population genetics and genome wide association testing and studies. The advanced track will provide the cover current mathematical and statistical models and simulations methods used in population genetics and GWAS and will not make one an expert in simulations, mathematical and statistical modelling and methodology development for population genetics and GWAS studies.

    Trainers and support staff:

    1. Organizers: Prof. Nicola Mulder, Dr. Emile Chimusa, Dr. Judit Kumuthini and Dr. Gaston Kuzamunu
    2. Trainers: Prof. Scott Hazelhurst, Dr. Noah Zaitlen, Dr. Bogdan Pasaniuc, Dr. Bjarni Vilhjalmsson and Shaun Aron

    Prerequisites: Selected participants will need to work through the following resources to enable them to gain the most from the workshop: 
    A pre-workshop course on an Introduction to Linux/R/python will take place on the 19th April 2015.

    Registration: All interested applicants must complete the application form and upload a motivation letter from their supervisor. Incomplete applications will NOT be reviewed. The successful applicants for the workshop, will be contacted to complete an airline ticket booking form, a short biosketch with a recent picture and the H3ABioNet workshop policy. The workshop will be followed by a symposium which workshop participants will automatically attend and are encouraged to submit an abstract for either oral or poster presentations.

    H3ABioNet will cover the costs of a return economy air ticket to Cape Town. AIMS will cover the cost of accommodation from the night of the 19th of April till the 24th of April (departing on the 25th) 2015 and meals from the 19th of April to the morning of the 25th of April 2015. H3ABioNet and AIMS will NOT cover the costs of visa fees, vaccinations, airport transfers from your local area or any other costs.

    Please note, if a participant is unable to attend this workshop after acceptance, their place will be passed onto to applicants on the waiting list and not to other recommended members from their Institution or Research project.

    If you would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the symposium and workshop organizers: 

    GWAS data analysis and results interpretation workshop


    • Bogdan Pasaniuc (UCLA)
    • Noah Zaitlen (UCSF)
    • Bjarni Vilhjalmsson (HSPH)
    • Shaun Aron (Wits)
    • Scott Hazelhurst (Wits)


    Mon 20th April





    Registrations and welcome



    Overview on medical population genetics: LD, Population Structure

    Bogdan Pasaniuc





    GWAS study design:GWAS versus linkage mapping and power calculations

    Noah Zaitlen


    Genotype calling and array QC

    Shaun Aron


    SNP and sample QC

    Shaun Aron





    Population structure

    Scott Hazelhurst


    Association testing

    Scott Hazelhurst



    Noah Zaitlen





    Fine mapping

    Bogdan Pasaniuc


    Visualisation and post GWAS analysis

    Shaun Aron

    Tues 21st April





    Introduction to PLINK – data formats, loading, manipulation

    Scott Hazelhurst





    Genotype calling QC

    Shaun Aron


    SNP and sample QC

    Shaun Aron





    PCA and population structure

    Scott Hazelhurst





    Preprocessing: imputation, quality control

    Bogdan Pasaniuc

    Wed 22nd April





    Introduction to basic statistics, p-values, multiple-testing correction

    Bogdan Pasaniuc





    Association testing: Example GWAS using linear models. Comparison of F-test and alternatives.

    Bogdan Pasaniuc


    Evaluation of linear fits, pitfalls due to overfitting

    Shaun Aron/Scott Hazelhurst





    Empirical evaluation of the importance of population structure correction

    Scott Hazelhurst


    Introduction to Meta-analysis and Fine mapping with R

    Scott Hazelhurst





    Visualisation and post GWAS analysis

    Shaun Aron


    Complete GWAS practical exercise from QC to association results

    Shaun Aron/Scott Hazelhurst

    Thurs 23rd April





    Finish exercises

    Shaun Aron/Scott Hazelhurst


    Wrap-up and finish

      GWAS Symposium starts at 11:30am on Thursday 23rd April at False Bay College Muizenberg campus

    Advanced GWAS Modelling Workshop Program


    • Bogdan Pasaniuc (UCLA)
    • Noah Zaitlen (UCSF)
    • Bjarni Vilhjalmsson (HSPH)
    • Shaun Aron (Wits)
    • Scott Hazelhurst (Wits)


    Mon 20th April





    Registrations and welcome



    Overview on medical population genetics: LD, Population Structure

    Bogdan Pasaniuc





    GWAS study design:GWAS versus linkage mapping and power calculations

    Noah Zaitlen


    Genotype calling and array QC

    Shaun Aron


    SNP and sample QC

    Shaun Aron





    Population structure

    Scott Hazelhurst


    Association testing

    Scott Hazelhurst



    Noah Zaitlen





    Fine mapping

    Bogdan Pasaniuc


    Visualisation and post GWAS analysis

    Shaun Aron

    Tues 21st April





    Using simulations to assess power and false-discovery rate

    Noah Zaitlen





    Computational hidden Markov model to infer ancestry

    Bogdan Pasaniuc





    Parameter inference in linear models

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson


    Statistical testing with linear models

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson





    Linear mixed models to correct for confounding variation

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson

    Wed 22nd April





    Computational MCMC methods: Gibbs sampling, Metropolis-Hastings for GWAS

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson





    Computational GWAS mixed Models: from genome architecture to environmental influences

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson





    Accounting for hidden confounding in high-dimensional studies

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson


    Segment test and Joint testing of multiple related traits at once

    Bjarni Vilhjalmsson





    Computing Meta-analysis

    Noah Zaitlen

    Thurs 23rd April





    Publication or discussion session

    Noah, Bjarni, Bogdan


    Wrap-up and finish


    GWAS Symposium starts at 11:30am on Thursday 23rd April at False Bay College Muizenberg campus


    Page 2 of 4

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