Assessing and evaluating the preparedness of the network node's capacity to analyze data sets produced by H3Africa research projects
Tools & Services
Node Accreditation
The node accreditation exercises are designed to assess the capacity of H3ABioNet nodes to properly process and analyses the datasets that would typically be produced by H3Africa projects. As such, they are intended to be
- Transparently developed and fairly evaluated
- Representative of real datasets, not "toy" problems
- Achievable by any node using the documentation and training provided through H3ABioNet
To obtain accreditation, members of a node should download and process the "practice" datasets for each assessment they want to take. These datasets include the answers that would be expected when conducting the actual assessment. A summary of the steps on how an H3ABioNet Node can go about undertaking the Node assessment is provided below.
A detailed Protocol for technical assessment of H3ABioNet nodes can be obtained here
- Download practice dataset (links to these are provided within the SOPs)
- Process as per SOP for the data type, and compare results with provided example results
- Once a node feels ready to take an assessment, they should register this intention as a helpdesk ticket. The Node Assessment Task Force will then provide access to a unique dataset created for that node.
- Once this dataset has been downloaded, the assessment period is considered to have started. During this period, nodes are expected to refrain from obtaining assistance from outside groups in analysing the data.
- The results of the processing should be provided in the form of a report, which will be evaluated by external parties.
The accreditations are not intended to confer any advantage to a node other than recognition of their completing the process. They are a way to accurately measure capacity growth within H3ABioNet nodes.
Nodes are free to re-take an assessment if they do not reach accreditation level, but are encouraged to spend some time focussing on their pipeline before attempting again.
Assessments will be linked to members within the node who took the assessment. If that member leaves the node, a re-assessment would be necessary. Members linked to a passed assessment do not transfer the accreditation with themselves if they move to another node.
H3ABioNet Accredited Nodes
Node Acronym |
Accreditation Type |
Year undertaken |
Status |
2014 |
Completed successfully |
2015 |
Completed successfully |
Exome variant calling |
2015 |
Completed successfully |
16S rRNA diversity |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
Exome variant calling |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
Exome variant calling |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
16S rRNA diversity |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
16S rRNA diversity |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
Exome Variant calling |
2017 |
Completed successfully |
RNA-Seq |
2018 |
Completed successfully |